Capitol workers enjoy yuletide season with MisOcc’s generous Christmas party


OROQUIETA CITY, Misamis Occidental--The room for happiness for the Misamis Occidental’s workforce is full during this yuletide season after the provincial government initiated an enjoyable, fun, and exciting get-together party for its more or less 2,000 employees.

Gov. Henry S. Oaminal, Vice Governor Rowena Gutierrez, and the members of the Provincial Board graced the festive occasion held at the Asenso Misamis Occidental Sports and Cultural Center on Friday (Dec. 22).

Gov. Oaminal expressed his inspirational message that revolves around reflection, gratitude, and the meaning of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

He then connected Christ’s life to the importance of unity of all Misamisnons in the local government’s endeavor for a more peaceful, secured, developed, and progressive Misamis Occidental.

“Kini ato karong celebration, celebration kini sa atong kahimoan, accomplishment for the year 2023. Pinaagi sa atong pagtambayongay, we have achieve a lot towards our vision Asenso Misamis Occidental with our development thrusts: Misamisnon Magpuyong Malinawon, Malambuon, Malipayon,” the governor said.

During the event, the Asenso administration presented the province’s milestones over the past year, which include initiatives that directly affect the Misamisnons.

They even mentioned the challenges confronted by the province and the lessons they learned from the past which can be a guiding light for the future of the province.

The employees, attending the festive event this year, received generous cash bonuses from Gov. Oaminal. They also received gift packs as well as enjoyed raffle prizes, including trips abroad, sponsored by the father of Misamis Occidental province.

As the province closes its 2023 chapter, the Asenso administration vowed to continue delivering its people with good governance, transparency, and more inclusive programs to assure every Misamisnon would live a better life.(SN/PGMO)

Gov. Henry S. Oaminal extends ‘Christmas Cheers’ during the PGMO Christmas party 2023 at the Asenso Misamis Occidental Sports and Cultural Center on December 22.(PGMO)

The generosity of Working Governor Henry Oaminal has paved the happiest moment for PGMO employees during this Christmas season. (SN/PGMO)

Employees received gift packs, cash bonuses as well as enjoyed raffle prizes, including trips abroad, sponsored by the father of Misamis Occidental province. Oaminal extends ‘Christmas Cheers’ during the PGMO Christmas party 2023.


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